Mrs. Sheena Delgaizo » Implementation of Character Education Program

Implementation of Character Education Program

The development of a Character Education program includes and complements a broad range of educational approaches such as whole child education, service learning, social-emotional learning, and civic education. All the approaches share a commitment to helping young people become responsible, caring, and contributing citizens. 
To assist in the successful implementation of the Character Education the following are the goals of the various components:
  • Mental- to decrease (and eventually eliminate) deficient thinking from all stakeholders (students, parents/guardians, staff, administration, and the community) within the academic setting.
  • Emotional- to assess how emotions drive behavior and academics to further understand the difference between Activation and Evaluation triggers,
  • Social- to have students understand the function of the behavior through the demonstration of appropriate models and positive reinforcement; in turn, developing students who demonstrate the applicable social skills for various settings,
  • Physical- to understand physical limitations can surpass the physical means through supplementation of outside resources, and
  • Environmental- to develop relationships with the community that bring the curriculum to life for the students while bettering the community.