2020-2021 Food Services » 2020-2021 Food Ordering Information and Form

2020-2021 Food Ordering Information and Form

Student Breakfast & Lunch
To place an order on the HMS Breakfast and Lunch Order Form
From September 22, 2020 through June 30, 2021, as part of the food program for the New Jersey Department of Agriculture, Hackettstown Middle School will make food (re. lunch for the current day and breakfast for the following school day) available at no cost to all the students.
  • Students who are In Person for Instruction: food will be delivered to the homerooms by the end of the core academic period (12:35p) to take home with them
  • Students who are Virtual for Instruction:  please place the order using the order form (top of this page) and the food can be picked up each day at the side entrance of the cafeteria on Center Street during your lunch/travel time in your schedule.
Maschio's Food Service Flyer for the program is below for you reference.
Starting October 13, 2020, Hackettstown School District in conjunction with Maschio's has established an expanded meal pick up for all students in an effort to help parents who may work during normal pickup hours of 11:30 am to 1:30 pm.!
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 pm to 6 pm
  • Multiple days of meals, up to three breakfasts and three lunches can be picked up
  • One single pickup location for the entire district...Hackettstown Middle School on the side cafeteria entrance located on Center Street.
Below is information for food ordering prior to September 22, 2020 and through June 30, 2021 (re. when Hackettstown School District was/is not approved for the New Jersey Department of Agriculture Free Food Program)
Ordering Information:
  • For added security, orders must be placed with a student Hackettstown email. Any other email will not be accepted.
  • To minimize food waste, orders will be linked to a student email address. If an order is placed, the student needs to remember to pick it up and pay for it. If forgotten orders occur often, a student's account may be billed for the wasted food. 
  • Students are responsible for picking up meals from the HMS cafeteria. Meals will be distributed every day at 12:35. All students MUST pick up their lunch and/or breakfast at Hackettstown Middle School (Washington St) from 12:35 pm to 1 pm. Pickup is on the side of the building (Center St).
  • Breakfast and lunch will be ordered using the same form. They will also be picked up at the same time. Breakfast will be bagged and will be provided for the next morning.  
  • The dates on this form will be updated every two weeks. A student can order for one day or multiple days.
  • Same day orders must be placed by 9 am so the cafeteria staff has enough time to process the order.
Información sobre pedidos:
  • Para mayor seguridad, los pedidos deben realizarse con un correo electrónico del estudiante de Hackettstown. No se aceptará ningún otro correo electrónico.
  • Para minimizar el desperdicio de alimentos, los pedidos se vincularán a la dirección de correo electrónico del estudiante. Si se realiza un pedido, el estudiante debe recordar recogerlo y pagarlo. Si los pedidos olvidados ocurren con frecuencia, se puede facturar a la cuenta de un estudiante por la comida desperdiciada.
  • Los estudiantes son responsables de recoger las comidas de la cafetería de HHS. Las comidas se distribuirán todos los días a las 12:35. Todos los estudiantes DEBEN recoger su almuerzo y / o desayuno en Hackettstown Middle School (Washington St) de 12:35 pm a 1 pm. La recogida está en el costado del edificio (Center St).
  • El desayuno y el almuerzo se pedirán utilizando el mismo formulario. También se recogerán a la misma hora. El desayuno se embolsará y se proporcionará para la mañana siguiente.
  • Las fechas de este formulario se actualizarán cada dos semanas. Un estudiante puede ordenar por un día o varios días.
  • Los pedidos para el mismo día deben hacerse antes de las 9 am para que el personal de la cafetería tenga tiempo suficiente para procesar el pedido.
Maschio's Food Services
To access all information for Maschio's Food Service
Please Click Here to be redirected to their website.