Student Handbook » Acknowledgement


Please Note: 

The Hackettstown Middle School’s Student Handbook is a general reference guide only and is designed to be in harmony with board policy and the Student Code of Conduct.  Please be aware that it is not a complete statement of all policies, procedures, or rules that may be applicable in a given circumstance.  

Please be aware that the handbook is updated yearly, while policy adoption and revision may occur throughout the year.  Changes in policy or other rules that affect the Student Handbook provisions will be made available to students and parents guardians through other communications.  In a case of conflict between Board Policy and Student Code of Conduct with any provisions of Student Handbook, the provisions of Board Policy and the Student Code of Conduct are to be followed.

Although the Student Handbook may refer to rights established through law or District Policy, the Student Handbook does not create any additional rights for students and parents/guardians.  The Student Handbook is not meant as a contract though a means of information of highlights specific for the building and grades five through eight. Parents/Guardians as well as students are asked to acknowledge receipt of the handbook, not as an agreement or disagreement to the information that is provided, but that the Student Handbook was provided. Acknowledgement is completed through the Parent/Guardian and Student Portals for Realtime.

If parents/guardians or students have questions about any of the material in the Student Handbook, do not hesitate to contact the School Counselors or Building Administration.