Mr. Christopher Zwarych » Band Information & FAQ

Band Information & FAQ

Thank you for your interest in the Hackettstown Middle School Bands! Band is an awesome class where we learn how to play our instruments, explore a bunch of really great music, and have a good time, too. Below are some Frequently Asked Questions about what band is and how band works.

If you have any questions about band, please do not hesitate to reach out via email - [email protected]
Students will meet for band rehearsal 2-3 times per week.  Additionally, they will have a group lesson once every 5-7 days.  This information will be updated for the 2021-2022 school year as soon as it is finalized by building administration.
Lessons are small group instruction on your instruments.  Lessons are grouped by grade level and instrument.  Lessons are on a rotating pull-out basis from your academic classes.  This means that you will be asked to miss one of your other classes once every 5-7 school days and come to a lesson.  The lessons also rotate, so it will generally be 4-6 weeks until you're asked to miss the same class. 
Please note - Attendance in lessons is required and is a part of your grade!
Yes we do have them.  Concerts are a very important part of the Band experience! Each band will participate in 2 concerts per year - a Winter Concert in December and a Spring Concert in May.  Additionally, our 7th and 8th grade students will also participate in a third concert, our annual District Band Concert in March.  All dates are announced and communicated home in early September.
Concert attendance is MANDATORY!  You will receive a grade for your concert attendance!  Only major life events (major sickness, death in family, etc) are acceptable reasons for missing a concert.  If a student does not attend a concert, an alternate assignment will be given.
Absolutely! Each year, we have a select group open to 6-8th grade students called Symphonic Band.  This is group rehearses on Wednesdays after school from 3-3:45pm.  Students must audition for entry and will be responsible for working on music for this ensemble in addition to their regular band music.  Symphonic Band also travels with some of the select chorus ensembles to participate in the Music in the Parks festival each Spring at Dorney Park.
Additionally, for the 2021-2022 school year, I will be looking to start a Jazz Band program and a Percussion Ensemble program.  These would also meet after school. Additionally, the Percussion Ensemble will be open to all students, not just percussionists - so you can learn a wind/brass instrument during the day and a bit about percussion in the ensemble!
More info will be coming about these opportunities as we approach the start of the school year!