Nicholas Scalera » Class Expectations

Class Expectations

1. You & I are a team ~ a cooperative, respectful, 2-way relationship.

2. You have a job to do ~ be open to learning, develop emerging Computer and life skills, be creative, respectful & stay on task.

3. I have a job to do ~ teaching, assisting you with problem-solving, helping you develop/refine Computer and life skills.

4. Certain behaviors are conducive (favorable) to learning and these are to be encouraged ~ helping each other, being on-task, active learning, participation, kindness and respect.

5. Certain behaviors in the classroom are not conducive (not favorable) to learning and these are to be discouraged ~ being off-task, disrespectful, uncooperative, speaking at inappropriate times, not doing your best work, lateness, throwing objects, etc.

6. Your input is valued ~ please communicate!

7. I am here to help you ~ if you need additional assistance, please schedule an appropriate time for us to work together.

8. You or your Parent(s)/Guardian(s) may contact me anytime – [email protected]

9. Work hard, stay on task & you will be not only be developing great projects & learning new things, you will also earn additional class-based benefits! (Educational Games; Special Projects)

10. Follow all school rules, policies and expectations in your Agenda Books, ensuring a safe, respectful and productive environment for all.
Note: consequences include Teacher and Student discussion, seat and/or group change, Parent/Guardian contact and may result in Guidance and/or Administrative referral. Disrespect to students and/or teachers as well as destruction to equipment are grounds for immediate removal from the classroom and Administrative referral.

(Failure to comply may result in a student's loss of computer access and privileges for a time period determined by the building Principal/Vice-Principal. All infractions shall be reviewed on a case-by-case basis)