Professional Biography
My name is Kim Andrusin, and I am very proud to be an educator. I have taught grades three, five, and six with most of my teaching focused on ELA and social studies. I am a graduate of East Stroudsburg University for my B.S. and M.Ed. Both are in elementary education with concentrations in reading and literacy. In addition, I hold 30 more graduate credits in literacy and language arts from Drake University. Much of my university studies were also focused on history and the teaching of social studies. My teaching certificate is Elementary Teacher for grades K-8.
In my career in Hackettstown, I have been honored with the Teacher of the Year for HMS, along with Lifetime Member for the Hackettstown PTA for my work and support of their efforts. I have shared in authoring several NJDOE Best Practices and was an integral member of both teams that authored the award-winning NJ Star School and National Blue Ribbon School applications for HMS.
My mission is to help students become independent, critical thinkers, collaborative workers, and curious life-long learners.